
Sleep Apnea Treatment



Sleep apnea, the cessation of breathing during sleep, is a common problem that affects both adults and children.

The National Institutes of Health estimate that more than 50 million Americans have sleep apnea, most often undetected or misdiagnosed. In fact, conservative estimates suggest that only 16 percent of sleep apnea sufferers receive treatment.

Untreated sleep apnea affects your well-being. Sleep apnea may contribute to high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease and erectile dysfunction, as well as to memory and concentration impairment. Since sleep apnea reduces the quality of your sleep and contributes to daytime sleepiness, driving becomes more dangerous. In fact, sleep apnea is a leading cause of car accidents.

Types of Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea occurs in three forms:

Obstructive sleep apnea is an airway blockage caused by a genetic abnormality such as excessive tissue in the back of the tongue, throat ( tonsils or/and adenoid ) or nose.
Central sleep apnea results when the brain fails to send proper signals to muscles responsible for breathing.
Mixed sleep apnea (also called complex sleep apnea) is diagnosed when both central sleep apnea and obstructive sleep apnea are present.
Dr. Nguyen may be able to correct obstructive sleep apnea by fitting you with a dental appliance that is worn during the night. Dental devices worn inside the mouth to treat sleep apnea look like athletic mouth guards. They are removable and worn only at night.

If sleep apnea is caused by excess tissue growth on the tongue or in the back of the throat, the overgrowth may be surgically removed to resolve the blockage. Oral and maxillofacial surgeons and ear, nose and throat (ENT) doctors are experienced in performing such operations.

Sleep Apnea Signs and Symptoms

Although you may be aware that your sleep is disturbed, more likely your symptoms will be noticed first by family members.

The two most commonly identified sleep apnea symptoms are:

  1. Gasping for air or choking during sleep.
  2. Loud snoring.

The inability to breathe properly often results in sudden awakenings throughout the night that interrupt your sleep and prevent you from feeling refreshed throughout the day. As a result, you might find yourself struggling to stay awake during the day or feeling irritable and depressed.

Other signs that you may be experiencing sleep apnea include:

  1. Painful and inexplicable headaches in the morning.
    2. Waking up with a sore throat or dry mouth.
    3. Memory problems and difficulty concentrating.
    4. Urinating frequently throughout the night.

What Are The Health Risk Factors For Sleep Apnea?

Loud Snoring
Snorting or Gasping for Air
Frequent Nighttime Urination
Morning Headaches
Daytime Sleepiness
Memory Loss
Lack of Energy
Drowsy Driving
Excessive Stress
Cardiovascular Strain
Erectile Dysfunction
Increased Risk for Accidents
Weight Gain
High Blood Pressure